WW<CODE> Maker Bytes — Issue 161
Written by Core Team
We are building features for the Women Who Code community and we want to highlight that work with our stakeholders, you! THANK YOU to our contributors for dedicating their valuable time to help us build tech a place where women can excel.
You can follow all of our work on github. Below are a few snippets of our awesome features.
This has been a super busy week for the Women Who Code Core Team. We made a number of important changes to features such as Blog Posts, Job Search, Events, and the core software of our site. We also added new fields to the Job Search page and fixed a minor issue with search bar display.
BlogPosts KonMari
With this update, we reorganized our BlogPost’s React.js components according to the new Frontend Nomenclature and updated the GlobalSearchBar.js.jsx to look for a general “list” param instead of a specific param like “networks” or “blog posts.”
Update About Page
We updated the About Page to reflect some of the exciting changes happening at Women Who Code HQ. First off, we have a new Social Media Manager, Cait Sarazin, whose been included in the list of team members. We also added our 6 Fellows to the page, Anne Hopkins, Maddie Shang, Mackenzie Bryant, Jennifer Ponder, Gnana Lakshmi, Emily Wivell. We also updated the listings for Amanda Hill-Attkisson and Rachael Wright-Munn.
Update Job Search Data and Action
we improved the job search function to allow users to filter results by whether a job is full time or part time, and what level of expertise is suggested.
Buttons Icons Konmari
Much like with the blogs, we reorganized shared Buttons & Icons React.js components according to the new Frontend Nomenclature. This allows us to indicate whether it is possible to sign up for an event with a “Register” icon, or if the event is full with a “Waitlist.”
Upcoming NetworkEvents Should Include In-Progress Events
This makes it so that Network events still appear on the Events and Network pages even when they are currently in progress.
Rails 5 Upgrade
We made a standard but important upgrade of our site software to use Rails 5.
Updating Our Heroku Stack to the Latest
We also made an important upgrade to our heroku stack which was reaching EOL this month.
Add New Job Form Fields to Admin Show Page
We’ve added all the details we have for expired Jobs to our customers Admin show pages. this allows them to see all of the details of an expired job listing without having to request assisstance from WWCode HQ.
Add DataPop Library
We’ve been copying and pasting code from a wiki document, which is inefficient. With this update, we put the code in a library to allow people to call it from the rails console as a method.
Updating Logic for When to Show and Hide Search Reload Button in Jobs
The “X” in the jobs searchbar has been displaying at the same time as the loading gif whenever you search. This update toggles the search reset “X” in the searchbar so that you will only see “X” or the loading gif when you search.
Talk to us
Any ideas about existing features, new features, getting involved as a contributor, please share it in this FORM and/or watch our repos on Github.
To submit feedback, comments or questions email coreteam@womenwhocode.com, we would love to hear from you.
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